#5–10 Profound Truths About Life You Might Have Forgotten (Blog Series)

Nobody Is Thinking of You as Much as You Think They Are

Steve Fitz
3 min readJan 5, 2022

Truth #5 — Nobody Is Thinking of You as Much as You Think They Are

We are social creatures whose brains evolved for tribal life. It’s therefore natural to worry what others think of us and to want their approval.

It’s just the way we are hardwired.

But here’s the thing: Nobody is thinking about you as much as you think they are. They just aren’t.

Their attention might drift to you for a short moment, but then they’ll become preoccupied again with their own sh*t and their own life dramas.

It’s just the way it is.

Why is this such an important truth to realize?

If you worry excessively about what others think, it will influence your behavior and the decisions you make in life.

You might end up living a life different from the one you wanted to live — for fear of what others will think — and chances are you’ll regret it.

Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse who wrote the book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, said the biggest regret…



Steve Fitz

I write & share tips on living a simpler life, being creative, staying sane in a mad world • MWC winner • Sometimes serious, Sometimes not • Irish 🇮🇪