#3 — 10 Profound Truths About Life You Might Have Forgotten (Blog Series)

Steve Fitz
3 min readJan 3, 2022
Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

This is a 10 part Blog series. In case you missed it, here’s Truth #1, Truth #2

Truth #3: Everyone Is Insecure and Feels Like a Bit of A Fraud

We tend to assign positive traits like wisdom, clarity of direction, competence, and rock-solid confidence to others, while, at the same time, trying to hide our own feelings of uncertainty, incompetence, and insecurity about many aspects of life — professions, relationships, creative pursuits, etc.

It seems a common mental pattern. We might do it with people older than us — “when I’m their age, I’ll know everything and have it all sorted out, like they do.”

We might do it with colleagues at work — “Bob is so so self-assured and confident in his role — whereas I feel like I’m a fake and I’m winging it”

Parents do it with other parents. CEOs do it with other CEOs. Presidents probably do it too.

It’s no doubt we think others have it all sorted. After all, we generally only see their best bits. We don’t see their moments of doubt, their failures, and them standing in front of the mirror in the morning wondering if today is the day they’ll be found out.



Steve Fitz

I write & share tips on living a simpler life, being creative, staying sane in a mad world • MWC winner • Sometimes serious, Sometimes not • Irish 🇮🇪