#4–10 Profound Truths About Life You Might Have Forgotten (Blog Series)

Steve Fitz
3 min readJan 4, 2022
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This is a 10-part Blog Series. In case you missed it, here’s Truth #1, Truth #2, Truth #3.

Truth #4 — Things in Excess Often Become Their Opposites

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

There exists a point of diminishing returns, where things start to become their opposite.

We see it with food, sex, comfort — any type of unbridled pleasure.

We imagine more of the things that feel pleasurable will create more happiness, but in excess, they usually lead to pain.

It’s the paradox of excess.

Too much comfort, for example, and we become weak and lethargic. The neurological reward systems that we evolved with in environments of hardship don’t get activated the way they are supposed to. This can lead to depression.

We also see it with the extrinsic goals that many people strive to achieve in life — like wealth and fame.

Some people devote their whole lives to becoming famous. They think the attention and adulation will bring them more happiness, but it usually makes them less happy in the long run. Being recognized everywhere they go quickly becomes overwhelming and many people…



Steve Fitz

I write & share tips on living a simpler life, being creative, staying sane in a mad world • MWC winner • Sometimes serious, Sometimes not • Irish 🇮🇪